Data Science Project Template

Welcome to the documentation site for the Data Science Project Template, a codebase that builds containers appropriate for data science projects.

While this template provides structure for a Data Science codebase, it is not meant to be prescriptive. For those looking to get up and running quickly, the template has ready integration with docker, vscode and jupyterlab. For those looking to create a reusable code structure in a specific enterprise setting, it might be worthwhile reading the design decisions behind the template. You may want to consider forking this repo as a starting point.

Project Status

This core functionality of the project and documentation is complete. There are no plans for significant features to be added, but issues raised on GitHub will be addressed.

Further Information

Quickstart and Installation

The Quickstart section section describes how to initialize the template and setup a local development environment.

Template Design

Information on the template design can be found in the Design section. This section describes the design decisions behind the template, and the structure of the code in more detail.

Additional Features

The Addition Features subsections describe how the various features of the template can be used in different scenarios.


See the About section for further information on distribution and reuse.